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Charts - Gauge

Gauge charts let the user evaluate metrics.


The Gauge displays a numeric value that varies within a defined range.

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Value range

The Gauge chart's value is provided through the value props, which accept a value range between 0 and 100. To modify it, use the valueMin and valueMax props.

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Arcs configuration

Modify the arc shape with the following props:

  • startAngle and endAngle: The angle range provided in degrees
  • innerRadius and outerRadius: The arc's radii. It can be a fixed number of pixels or a percentage string, which will be a percent of the maximal available radius
  • cornerRadius: It can be a fixed number of pixels or a percentage string, which will be a percent of the maximal available radius
import { Gauge } from '@mui/x-charts/Gauge';

  // ...


Text configuration

By default, the Gauge displays the value in the center of the arc. To modify it, use the text prop.

This prop can be a string, or a formatter. In the second case, the formatter argument contains the value, valueMin and valueMax.

To modify the text's layout, use the gaugeClasses.valueText class name.

import { Gauge, gaugeClasses } from '@mui/x-charts/Gauge';

    [`& .${gaugeClasses.valueText}`]: {
      fontSize: 40,
      transform: 'translate(0px, 0px)',
     ({ value, valueMax }) => `${value} / ${valueMax}`


Arc design

To customize the Gauge styles, use the chartsGaugeClasses export to pull class names from different parts of the component, such as valueText, valueArc, and referenceArc.

For a full reference list, visit the API page.

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Adding elements

Using the default Gauge

To insert more elements into the Gauge chart, the first option would be to add them as children, which means they will be stacked on top of the default rendering.

import { Gauge } from '@mui/x-charts/Gauge';

<Gauge value={25} valueMax={50}>
  <AddedElement />

Using the Gauge container

The second option is to make use of the following elements that are available within the Gauge module:

  • Gauge Reference Arc
  • Gauge Value Arc
  • Gauge Value Text
import {
} from '@mui/x-charts/Gauge';

<GaugeContainer value={25} valueMax={50}>
  <GaugeReferenceArc />
  <GaugeValueArc />
  <AddedElement />

Creating your components

To create your own components, use the useGaugeState hook which provides all you need about the gauge configuration:

  • information about the value: value, valueMin, valueMax
  • information to plot the arc: startAngle, endAngle, outerRadius, innerRadius, cornerRadius, cx, and cy
  • computed values:
    • maxRadius: the maximal radius that can fit the drawing area
    • valueAngle: the angle associated with the current value
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The MUI X Gauge chart is compliant with the Meter ARIA pattern, which includes the addition of the meter role to the parent container and correct usage of the aria-valuenow, aria-valuemin, and aria-valuemax attributes.


If a visible label is available, reference it by adding aria-labelledby attribute. Otherwise, the label can be manually provided by aria-label.


Assistive technologies often present the value as a percentage. This can be modified by providing aria-valuetext attribute.

For example, a battery level indicator is better with an hour-long duration.

<h3 id="battery_level_label">
  Battery level
  aria-valuetext="50% (6 hours) remaining"


See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.